when you're overwhelmed, cry it out and take it to Jesus // an honest blog

Sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you.
Sometimes it feels like you're all alone. Like you aren't really seen or heard.
It feels like you can't hold your head up anymore. But you can.

     The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) He will take what is most precious to you and twist it. He will seek your confidence and crush it. The smallest doubt or annoyance in your mind will blow up completely out of proportion. The enemy's main goal is to make you feel worthless and unloved. And when life is hard, those thoughts and feelings become real and consume you. He can win if you let him. But we can't let him.

     God is with us always, but especially when life's battles get to be heavy. He knows the enemy's ways and what the enemy will try to do to us. God will fight for us if we give it to Him. (Deuteronomy 20:4) Holding onto our struggles and keeping everything inside, is a sure way to go mentally haywire. Not giving it to God is an immediate loss. Thinking you are alone is Satan winning. But that's when you have to fight for your joy and your peace. The kind that is "peace without understanding". Talk to the Lord, talk to loved ones. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but it's not okay to let that feeling eat you alive.

     Elijah and I literally had this exact conversation yesterday. We needed to go grocery shopping, but we wouldn't have enough time before I had to leave for work. On top of that, I didn't feel good and had an ongoing list of things to do before we leave town soon. Before I knew it, I was having a meltdown in our bedroom, crying about how alone and stressed and overwhelmed I feel about all of these things. I felt like I hadn't seen my husband in three days because of our conflicting schedules, on top of everything else that I had going on. I was just overwhelmed with all these feelings that I didn't even realize that I had bottled up, until one thing didn't go exactly the way I wanted. Then I blew up in my husband's face.

     Bless Elijah- he is so very patient with me haha! He let me cry, but he told me what I needed to hear. Maybe you need to hear it too. I'm focusing on the negative instead of focusing on the positive. I knew that the enemy was trying to kick me while I was down, and I was letting him. It's okay to feel the things I feel when things "go wrong" or hurt, but I can't let it ruin my entire day. Cuz if I wallow, it will take over my entire day, or week even. Hence while I'm writing this now! I needed a little bit of hard love in that instant and I realized he was right. I was feeling sorry for myself and not taking things to the Lord like I should. After Elijah and I talked it out and I cried a little more, I was okay.

     Life is hard but it's easier with Jesus. And people who love you enough to call you out when you're being a bit ridiculous.
     I wrote this as a real moment, happening right now. Sometimes life just sucks. Not all days are great days. Sometimes the feelings run deep, and you get overwhelmed. But the point of this blog is a reminder to you all, me included. Don't let the overwhelming feeling take over. Take things to the Lord.
