what I'm learning about femininity recently

      I grew up loving dressing up. I would change outfits several times throughout the day. Somewhere along the way, I started to wear less dresses and just dress like a normal teenager. I would still wear bright colors or very "girly" outfits, but less skirts and dresses. I'd save those types of outfits only for Sundays and church days. I don't really know where that mindset came from or where it went? Because now I noticed that I don't wear much of anything "girly" anymore. I still wear feminine colors and I'm not dressing like a boy, but I stopped wearing dresses and skirts and heels. I used to curl my hair every other day and now I rarely style my hair with any heat hair tools. A lot has changed over the years when it comes to my style or my clothing choices.

     I think my reasoning behind wearing less dresses and skirts is many things. One, I am slightly obsessed with pockets and most dresses and skirts don't come with pockets. That makes me sad, and it deters me from purchasing more "feminine" clothing pieces. Two, most jobs and most every day activities require a certain type of style. You can't normally wear dresses if you're working in a restaurant. Wearing a skirt when going to the beach isn't ideal, ya know? You wear dresses for special occasions or fancy occasions or date night or anything like that. They're saved for special occasions. But it doesn't have to be that way. I've been influenced by several different Christian women on instagram who have started embracing more feminine styles with clothing. I've always loved getting dressed up but that's not really society's thing. It's very normal for women to dress in jeans and t-shirts and very casual style. And that is definitely not a bad thing- I love my biker shorts and oversized sweaters because of the comfort aspect of it. But I also love my dresses. I'm also blessed by my job to be able to wear whatever I want, which includes dresses and more girly attire. Also, my husband loves when I get dressed up. There's no problem with me dressing up for myself but it is encouraging when the man you love hypes you up to dress up as well. Ladies with boyfriends and husbands know what I'm talking about. 

     This blog post is not all about how my style has changed or how my style is different than the world around me. This blog is for you, the girl who needs the push to embrace the femininity inside of you. While there is nothing wrong with wearing neutral colors or wearing comfortable sweats, that's not all that life is. There are thousands of brands online and in store that have the cutest, feminine pieces to elevate your wardrobe. There is something so powerful about women embracing who they are as women. There are so many verses in the Bible that emphasize women's importance and her role in society. Proverbs 31 talks all about being a woman of God, and what that looks like. And while very little of that section of scripture is about her vanity, it can show how much of a role she takes as a caretaker and chef and working hard for her home. I feel like much of society these days shares the importance of women being equal to men. I'm all for equal pay for both men and women, and women not being undermined by the men just because we're girls. I love seeing women in the workplace and all that- it's amazing because women are capable of doing amazing things! I love that for us. But women can still be women. There is nothing with wearing dresses and acting feminine. Having your hair down and curled is not a bad thing- it's loving the locks that the Lord has given you. You don't have to be tenacious all the time. There's a time and place for being a baddy, but there's also beauty in being carefree and gentle and dainty.

     I've really had to let my guard down when it comes to dressing rough and tough and what's trendy. If I wanna wear a sundress, the only person saying I can't wear it is me. And I don't like that answer. I've stopped wearing jeans a lot of times, not just cuz it's hard to find jeans that fit well and are comfortable. Wearing dresses gives free range movement for my legs and my waist, which is really nice after a big meal. I've been buying more maxi and midi lengths in dresses and skirts to prevent any accidental underwear revealing, but also they're just so comfortable! I don't have to worry about being modest because the material always hits under my knees. And who said you can't have a grunge look or more "casual" look when wearing dresses?? Putting a jean jacket or tshirt on top definitely makes it feel less like you're attending a formal event and more like you're going about your everyday. I have loved wearing sneakers with my dresses cuz my ankles can't handle heels anymore, but also it makes it feel less casual and more appropriate for my job.

    This is just my opinion. It's my insight recently into dressing feminine. I've always loved it, but somewhere I stopped because I think I was scared to not be on trend? But who cares about trends. I can wear what I want to wear. And finding something that's comfortable and cute is just icing on the cake. Embrace your ladylike features and abilities. It's okay to be classy and dress to mirror that. But don't let anyone take away your Converse without a fight either. It's all about balance. ;)

    Here's a little insight into some of my favorite "feminine" and girly looks recently. And a little reminder that dressing girly doesn't just mean dresses! Though, that's often the easiest way to do it. Put your own spin and style on it. Dress in a way that honors the Lord and your husband. But what also honors yourself.

"Femininity is not a form of weakness. Femininity is not for the weak, either." -unknown

