Horseback Riding + Hot Springs : Summit Semester Week 8

This week was pretty calm, but it didn't last long. Lots of relaxation, followed by loads of work and stressful days. It's not over yet either! Here's what we did this week.

What's happened this week:
     Sunday was the start of a very relaxing couple of days. The Summit worship team helped to lead worship at church, which was super awesome. A couple of our members weren't feeling super great, so there weren't as many of us on stage as normal, but it was still super great. After church, we had host home day! The majority of the worship team (including myself) went to hang out with the worship director, Jason, and his family. We had lasagna with bear and elk meat (YUM) for lunch and lots of ice cream, since it was a very important question brought up when we all first introduced ourselves to Jason. A few of us called family, some used the computer, some just talked with Heather, his wife. They have horses, so they gave us an opportunity to go horseback riding, which we happily accepted. It was a super relaxing and fun afternoon. None of us really wanted to leave, and we were all looking forward to, or trying to find a time to, go back to their house and hang out with them. When we were all back at the lodge, after dinner, we had dish pit and the guys had a meeting, so the alumni decided to help us, which was super awesome. It was Epsilon's first time doing leftovers on Sunday, which was strange since we've been at this for two months and this was our first time doing it. But it was a fun challenge. We had movie night as well: Juno. A more comedic movie about a teen girl that faces pregnancy and how that happens. It was a more humorous movie, and less intellectual than what we've seen in the past, but it was still good.
     Monday was another pretty relaxing day. Breakfast was optional, but I definitely got up for it. We had study time as well, so I went out in my hammock to do so. After lunch, a big crowd went into town to hang out for a few hours. I went to Walmart and then downtown with some of the girls to get matching “Pagosa Springs” shirts. I ended up not really liking the shirt they chose, so I went solo on my shirt's design. Sorry, ladies. When we got back in town, we had a little free time, which I used in the kitchen to help with dinner. After dinner, we had the guy in charge of marketing and the founder of Created© Institute come and give a presentation. I can't give much information, mostly because I know very little about it, but it's pretty similar to the Summit Semester program I'm in right now, but it's a 16 month college program. It's a program that's supposed to help students learn with a more Biblical background, and to help them grow and learn ways that they can impact the world (geared more for entrepreneurs). Directly after, we had small groups, which was full of good discussion and dancing.
     Tuesday's schedule was a good one. After breakfast, we had a question and answer time with Bobby, the president of Created© Institute. It was super awesome hearing his story and his inspiration behind the program. It got me hyped for the program – both Micaela and myself want to go visit and see what it's like! We had a family meeting directly following the time with Bobby, and lunch after that. Work crews were pretty great. I was on indoor work with Cheryl Kaye, where we cleaned up the girls' lodge/common classroom area and had some great discussions in the process. We had dish pit again after dinner, which was hard but we got a better system down than what we have been doing for the past two months. It was kinda frustrating to figure out a faster way two months in, but it did make it go easier so we were thankful for that. Following dinner, we had the hot springs trip! Everyone was so pumped for it. Apparently, the hot springs in Pagosa Springs, are the deepest in the world. There were about ten different pools to try out, with temperatures ranging from 93°-120° F. It was so much fun. After getting in the first two springs, a group decided to go jump in the river, which was probably 30° water in 40° temperatures outside. I decided not to go with them, but was eventually convinced (I have no clue how) to go jump in. After about three seconds, I was done. It was probably the coldest water ever! Jumping back in the hot springs was nice, but the temperature difference was so vast, that it took some getting used to. After two hours of heat/cold, I decided I was about done. I went with a crowd to do a Walmart run, and to Sonic because it's fun. Unfortunately, the Sonic was closed by 10:30pm when we got there, so we had to go to McDonald's instead. It was sad, but made for some great memory making.
     I had a great day on Wednesday. We had an ethics class with Justin, one of the mentors on staff. He discussed presuppositionalism, the hard problem with consciousness: how do physical and spiritual life influence + interact with each other, and the Holy Trinity. It was some deep stuff, but some great stuff. He was super great at teaching and conveying ideas and beliefs and truth. Directly after was solitude time, which was great because I needed some time to process all Justin had just taught in the last hour. After lunch, we had study time. I got out my hammock and enjoyed that time with Micaela. Then we had exercise time: one of my favorite times! I shot some basketball hoops and went for a walk and did some dancing. We had a worship team meeting after dinner, which involved choosing the songs we wanted to sing in two weeks. I made some sourdough bread with Khyri, which was a grand ole time. We started this process being super protective over our bread and not sharing with others, but we're making so much now, that we're having to give it away because we can't keep up with all the carbs we're producing! We had movie night tonight because of our busy schedule ahead, but I spent that time studying some more. They're making us read at least three books a week, on top of a few poems or articles that are added to that. There's never enough time in the day to get all the reading done!
     Thursday was awesome. I slept for an extra hour, which was so nice. Breakfast was optional, but I went for it anyways. We had a class on Hebrews 3 & 4, that went until lunch. The Hebrews class was so good. Lots of interesting topics and conversation came out of it. After lunch, we had our butchering class! It was so neat to hear why it's not bad to go hunting, and how the butchering process works. Nathan, the property manager, was the one that went hunting and got an elk that we were butchering that day. He had already skinned and deboned the elk before bringing it back from the hunting, so the meat was already in parts when we got to it. We learned how to properly butcher and clean the meat, taking off extra fat and excess gunk. I made beef jerky pieces out of my piece of meat. It was such a fun time. I had some extra time in between butchering and dinner, so I called my folks. After dinner, which was full of great conversation, I had dish pit and called my family again. It was so good to hear from them and learn about all that's going on at home. There were desserts being made in the kitchen while I was on the phone, so when I hung up, I definitely got a part of that action. I went back to studying after a few cookies.
     Friday was the beginning of a busy week. We had a new professor teach, Mr. A, who is probably my new favorite professor up to now. He's really laid back and funny and entertaining, which really helps me feel less interrogated (like Dr. B) and more comfortable with talking to him. He discussed the controversial topic of tattoos in his morning lecture, which was quite an interesting class. He brought up some very thought provoking ideas, which I found quite amusing and great. After lunch, we had work crews again, which was probably my favorite work crew yet! I got to help butcher some more elk meat. I don't know why I found it so intriguing and fun, but I do and I'm not ashamed of it! I was the only one in my work crew team that had previous experience butchering meat, even though my only experience was 24 hours earlier, and I was decided to be the professional butcheress. Even though I only had three more hours of experience than the rest. It was a quite enjoyable time. And btw, if you ever need someone to come over and help butcher some meat after you go hunting, please call me up. I'd love to help out *wink*. That night for class, we sat around the fireplace (with no fire in it) and read aloud A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare. I ended up reading the part of the Fairy Queen, who ends up falling in love (through a spell placed on her) with a man who has a donkey head costume (read by Professor A himself). It was kinda awkward on my part, but it was a pretty hilarious play overall.
     Saturday morning I overslept, but not enough to miss cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We had another controversial morning lecture on same sex marriage and having kids. It was, again, very thought provoking, which I enjoyed, but it was still some tough stuff to chew. Lots of things to think about and discuss, which I found very interesting. We got new dishes on Friday, which are Fiesta ware and a lot nicer than the metal camping plates we have been using. Dish pit after lunch, being Epsilon/my team, was the first group to wash dishes with the new plates. Now, we have had a competition in dish pits to see who can get the fastest time, but they're having to discontinue that tradition because they don't want the new Fiesta ware to chip or break (which would be very possible with the speediness of some dish pits). I had a super productive study time, which was super encouraging because I got a lot done that needed to be done. I also did laundry simultaneously, which was nice. Immediately after study time was exercise time, so I went to play basketball with the guys. It was a great time because I got a good workout and my team ended up winning twice, but it was also discouraging a bit because I didn't get the shots or passes that I wanted and knew I could get. But it was still good. After dinner (chili was delish!), I had a fun dance session in the kitchen with dish pit, followed by a creative hour, which was just some time spent with other students around a dining table, writing books or poems or drawing or anything else creative. I only participated in creative hour for half the time, but it was still quite enjoyable. We had some good evening class discussion on the Midsummer Night's Dream play, and how to identify real and false love. Good stuff. Some of the crowd did swing dancing, while I hung out in the kitchen with Parker and Elizabeth (head cook), where we talked about food and Parker's love life. It was pretty fun! I headed to bed after a few hours, to find Bella, Emma, and my roommate Madison having a jam session in my room. I joined and we had some fun with good talks, before they eventually left and I finally went to bed.

What I've learned this week:
     My daddy back home will probably be very happy to read this haha, but I've come to realize how it isn't that big of a deal to wash dishes after a meal. My dad is often the one that washes dishes after a meal at home, and I always found the job kinda annoying or gross or not very fun at all. Which can be true sometimes, yes, but after washing the dishes of forty people every three days, I've come to realize how it's really not a bad thing, but I actually sort of enjoy it! I mean, if I can wash the dishes of forty people, including serving dishes and silverware and cooking utensils, and no use of a dishwasher, surely I can wash dishes for six people when I get home. It's really not as bad as I originally thought it to be. So watch out, Daddy, I may be taking your after dinner job when I return in four weeks.

What's going on next week:
     This upcoming Saturday, is our Farvest Hall festival! (Harvest Fall) We're having a 5k run/walk in the morning, fully equipped with a sick obstacle course. We'll have some fun activities to do during the day (no clue what those are...they tell us nothing), and ending the day with an awesome costume party in the evening! We're all pretty excited to dress up and have some fun. A lot of costumes are still mysteries, which will be even more fun to see what everyone is dressed up like!
     Also next Sunday, is another one of our host home days! I had such a fun time last time with the worship pastor's family, that I cannot wait until this upcoming Sunday! I heard that we'll be mixed up into different homes and with different students, but I also heard that because I'm in the worship team, I'll be hanging with the worship pastor again. I'm hoping to switch it up a little bit, but who knows what will happen! I'm just excited to spend more time with local church members.

Thanks for following along with me as I do life!



Horseback riding with my wonderful roomie. (:

Dance session before small groups on Monday!

Khyri and myself had a little too much fun in the Halloween department of Walmart after Hot Springs on Tuesday...

Butchering class! Highlight of my week!


  1. Yet again, a great update! Not only am i excited to get you back, but you're coming back knowing how to butcher, bake bread, and clean the kitchen! Yay! See you in less than a month. You're doing great and I love you!

    1. I'm coming back home with lots of great life skills! Wife me up. ;) Can't wait to see you in about 3 weeks!! I love y'all!

  2. As always, PuhPuh and I enjoyed our weekly Sunday update on your doings! Thank you for giving such detailed descriptions of your days. So many activities! I would love to hear the Tattoo discussion as I am pretty opinionated about it...and have scripture to back up my belief. And learning to butcher meat?? That's a great thing. Hope you get to use it. You've cleaned fish before. Now you can butcher meat! Have a great week. We love you!!

    1. I've wondered if my weekly updates are too detailed, but now I know that's a false statement! I'm bringing home all my study notes so I'd be happy to share them with you! And I'm hoping I can someday use my butchering skills! I love y'all so much!


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