all things photography + so much more! // july life update

 July was full of lots of work and lots of photography business stuff! Keep reading to hear all about it :)

   Since the beginning of summer, I have been putting away a portion of my tips from every workday in order to use that tip money to get new camera equipment! And this month was the last of it! After *roughly* 45 days of saving up, I got to buy my things! I got a brand-new camera body (Canon 90D- it's beautiful) and a new camera lens (70-105 lens)!! On top of this, I had a little extra money, so I bought a new camera bag! I feel so squeaky clean and brand new! I also created and ordered my first ever business cards! They're super cute but also professional. I feel like they fit me to a T. I'm so excited to jump-start my photography business more than ever now with my new equipment. I also had some amazing people give me their camera tripods, so now I feel like my self-portrait game is going up by like 100%. And to top it all off, I had a sweet photography friend of mine take some branding photos of me! I don't have the photos yet, but I just know they're going to be amazing. I got to help her create business cards of her own, so this was a cool returning favor of her, and I think she rocked it. I'm so excited to see how they turned out!

     In light of me jump-starting my photography business more now than ever, I hosted mini sessions for the very first time! I had three slots open every day of a three-day weekend. While I didn't get every slot filled, I did get to do two sessions- one for a pregnant mama-to-be, and a newly engaged couple! Just getting to do those two sessions was two more than I had originally scheduled so I was thrilled! Now I just need to finish editing them and getting them to the families! I love taking photos so much.

     Work is still going just fine! Summer days are staying busy, as lots of families on vacation still need their coffee in the morning and their gelato in the evening. Elijah's work is going really well also! They might be losing some managers (moving to other cities) but Elijah's in the running to be a replacement for them and I'm so very proud of him! He has been working his butt off to be the best he can be where they have him, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. He's always the first to compliment his crew on a job well done, and notice their hard work, which I think shows a lot about his character as a worker and a supervisor. He's also willing to stay extra hours to do the jobs nobody wants, and to take the shifts nobody likes. I'm so proud of his hard work to take care of us!

     My goal as we end out this month and continue into August- is to get better at routine! I'm working harder at exercising regularly, reading books, eating healthier, and being more creative! I find myself on my phone more when I have a spare minute, and I'm trying to stay off the electronics more and focus on other things! It's an ever-ongoing process to stay on top of, but I'm really working hard on it. I'm sure everyone's been there at least once in their lives. I'm trying to do more journaling, take more creative photos, deep clean parts of my apartment or my car or my fridge, and all sorts of other things.

     I've been working towards finding new music like I thoroughly enjoy, and I recently caved to listening to Harry Styles' new album he released this year?! I "boycotted" it because I thought it was just popular cuz it was a Harry Styles album. Little did I know that it was popular cuz it's full of really great songs. I'll listen to the entire album that is Harry's House when I'm commuting to/from work. It's music gold to my ears currently. I'm late to the game, but I understand the hype.

     My sweet friends Rachel + Cole announced that they're expecting a baby! All the money that they were planning on saving to go traveling... is now baby money and they're not mad about it. I legitimately cried when Rachel told me- I'm so excited to see her step into this role as a mother! Ever since we became friends, we've talked about how we both wanna be moms one day, so it's so exciting for me to see her live out this dream. And Cole is so excited to be a dad, it's adorable. They're gonna be the cutest parents and I'm excited to babysit the lil nugget one day.

     I got to hang out with lots of friends this month! My photographer friend Faith- she took my branding photos and I helped her with business cards- we got to hang twice this month! She's super cool and I'm thrilled to get to know her more as a cool human being but also a photographer! My friend Samantha offered to have me over to watch movies and eat, but that was all before we had a fun shopping day together. That was such a great day spent! And I also got to hang with some co-worker buddies a lot this month, which is always a good time. I love having people that I work with be so fun that I wanna see them when I'm not working too!
     One of my favorite meetups of the month was probably with my friend Haley and her new husband Cody. We went to the farmer's market together, followed by dinner and cookies at their condo and it was such a sweet time. Haley and I have been friends since we were acting in homeschool plays in middle school, and we were very close after graduation when we were both single and figuring out that lifestyle together, and now we're both married and it's the sweetest thing. We got to talk about who cooks best out of each couple, and compare morning/evening routines cuz it's so interesting to hear about from other couples, ya know? It was a very sweet time together and we look forward to doing it again! I promised that the next time we hang out I would make one of my go-to meals cuz Cody was very intrigued by them. :)

     Elijah and I are doing so well. I love life with this guy! We're still planning out our honeymoon that's coming up in the next few months! We are so so excited. I checked the weather earlier today of what it's currently like in Alaska and it said it was cloudy and 62°F! In July. What a phenomenon. It also means that I need to pull out all the jackets I possibly own (which is like 56, cuz I'm always cold) because Alaska in the fall is probably a lot colder than 62°.

Below are some photos from the month. Have a good one :)


a little self portrait!

more self portrait fun!

checking out downtown

movie night!

hanging out :)

my friend Faith!!

a very excited photographer before you

mini session promo!

a peek at my business cards- how cute right??
