Dr. B + Basketball: Summit Semester Week 1

    The first official week of Semester was pretty interesting. Our days were quite jam packed (as it will be for the next 11 weeks). I think I can say for the majority of us when I say that sleep is so precious to us. I'm sure late night study sessions will be one more of a thing as tests approach but for now, we're enjoying the rest.

    Classes. Honestly not sure what I think. The way Semester is gonna go, is that we'll have one professor for all of our classes for that week or 2, then we get another professor. So we don't switch between teachers for different classes- one professor for them all (for that week). Our first week of classes was with Dr. B. I had heard bad and good things about him before he came to teach, and now that I've heard him teach- I can say good and bad things as well haha. He likes to interrupt when you speak and make unnecessary arguments, but he gets you to think on your feet and prepare you to fight for what you believe. He does make us laugh on occasion, which I can say is a plus. I don't know if I like him yet or not, but I am learning, so he's doing is job well.
    Another thing we started this week is work crews. it's pretty much doing chores twice a week. All of the students are split up randomly into either outdoor work, indoor work, or kitchen work. So far, I've only worked outdoor with staining wood around the property. My hands have gotten a great workout cuz I'm sore afterwards. I like that we're divided up randomly because it gives me an opportunity to work with different people every time and get to know them for the next 3 hours. It feels so good to spend time working hard and knowing you've done something well and accomplished something.
    Exercise! Dude. I'm so proud of myself when it comes to exercise. We do this twice a week, and I've made it a point to do something new every time. If it were up to me, I would go for walks every time and go alone and it be considered pretty boring. But nope. My roommate Madison and I played basketball (just shooting hoops) and some of the guys asked us if we wanted to play a legit game. We had no idea what we were doing but we had so much fun. And our team won! We were pretty stoked. Madi is pretty competitive too ,so she was much more enthusiastic about it than me. But the fact that I learned to do something and had fun doing it- I was very proud of myself. I even made a few baskets in the process! Woop woop. And I've been working on my ping pong and pool skills- I've gotten much better and I'm pretty excited about it. It's my goal to improve in all the sports by the time Summit Semester is over!
    The food is not your typical church camp food. It's so delicious! Plus we have normally have extra so it's the bomb. Elizabeth and Dax are such great cooks. Just the other day, I had more to eat than one of the guys which I was surprised about, but I have no shame. I love dinner.
    Dish pit happened three times for my group this week. Between the five groups, we have a competition to see who the fastest group is to clean the dishes, mop, vacuum the dining hall, and put things away. My group has been the slowest of them all, but I think we've just haven't figured out a system yet. But the latest dish pit that my group had, we finished in 37 minutes which is a personal record for us! We were so thrilled for each other. Now knowing that we can do it quickly and well, we're working to get our name on the wall.

    What's happening this week: we're going on our first camping trip! Yay! We're going to camp in the sand dunes. Not sure what that entails, other than its camping in the sand. It shall be quite an interesting experience. I'm sharing a tent with my roommate and this super sweet student and new friend Annalise. I'm also writing a blog post on that experience on the Summit website! Check it out. https://www.summit.org/programs/summit-semester/blog/
We also have another full week of classes! Pray that there's enough coffee to go around for the 32 of us.

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Representing home!

Real, pure flax seed in the field where we hiked this week!


  1. So glad to hear you're doing well!! Colorado sounds like a blast!


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