Easter, Graphic Designing, Honeymoon Plans! // April Life Update

 April showers!! Which really never came, but we did get a few other fun things instead!

      April first was full of everything except pranks! Elijah and I had the full day off together and we had all sorts of fun. We ran errands, had lunch together and had a really great time just hanging out together. It felt like a while since that had happened, so everything was a little extra fun and special! Another super fun thing we did that day was book our honeymoon finally! We got married two years ago and between not having alot of money to begin with and the corona spreading the year we tied the knot, we never got the honeymoon. Well, it's better late than never! We're heading to Alaska later this year and I'm so so excited. We're planning on seeing the Aurora Borealis and go dog sledding and who knows what else, but I'm super looking forward to it! You'll hear all about it when it happens of course, as well as a bunch of photos cuz it'll be a trip of a lifetime!

     In other fun news of April, it's been full of work and conflicting schedules! Elijah and I take turns working opposite days or opposite shifts, which really isn't super fun but it really makes the days off even more special. I've really been focusing this month on enjoying every minute of life and finding the good in everything and it's been really great. A newly found phrase which I've loved is "romanticize your life". Gotta give your life a little romance even if you don't have any love life haha. But even with my husband around, I still gotta find love for myself!

     Totally not a super important life update but I finished watching Gilmore Girls for the first time and I was fully emotional. I mean, I'm emotional often anyways but especially when finishing a tv show. If you've never watched it, I recommend! Super cute and kinda cheesy but that made it all the cuter. I'm currently trying to find a new show to watch so I'm taking suggestions!

     This month, we've been trying to be more intentional with hanging out with people outside of us two. It's been somewhat successful! The hardest part is matching our schedules so we have time for just us two already, but then eventually finding time to hang with other couples! We had dinner with three couples this month from church, just finding time to be friends with other couples. It's the goal to hang out with more couples every month!

     Easter happened! I got the Sunday off, which was super special. And I had the pleasure of doing photography at church that day! I got to take family photos of everyone in their Easter Sunday best, as well as photos during worship and seeing people interact. I've always known that worship is more than just singing, but there's so many forms. And doing photography at church really feels like my true form of worship (outside of singing) and it gives me such joy to be using my talents and passions to glorify God in this way.
     Easter Sunday was kinda chill but still packed of activities. After church, Elijah and I got lunch and hung out. We ended up going to see a movie and get dinner with his parents, followed by watching another movie with a church family and staying up waaaaay past our bedtime laughing and having a good time together. It was a great Easter.

     I recently started a new hobby of mine: graphic design-ish! At my job's staff meeting a few months back, they talked about wanting new designs for our shirts, so if any barista wanted to send some ideas, they'd love to hear them. I thought it'd be fun but didn't think much of it because I have no idea how to make t-shirts. A co-worker a few weeks ago mentioned how she liked my shirt when I came onto shift, and she thought I had made it myself. When I told her that I hadn't but I think that would be so fun, she told me to go for it. So I did! Well, I didn't start making t-shirts but I have made a few different graphic designs and it's so much fun. I love seeing typography and logos from different companies around town and imagining how I could change it if I had the chance. Also just brainstorming different ideas is a bunch of fun, and especially when an idea comes to life and meets my expectations. I made an insta (@graphicallybecca) where I'm posting all my favorite graphics so go check that out if you so desire. :)

     I've been really looking into getting some patio furniture! When we moved in a few months back, winter was just starting and we didn't see the need for patio furniture, plus we had more important expenses at the time (like a dining table set). But now that the weather is getting warmer and the pool parties are happening in our complex, I think it's time to get some chairs and take advantage! I have a vision of using pallets and cushions to make a really cozy makeshift couch on my patio. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect cushions and finding pallets is harder than I expected, but the dream is alive and the hunt is on! I'll hopefully be having a final product to reveal next month, so subscribe to my blog so you're the first to hear about it when it happens!

     I feel like April was so jam-packed but also short and sweet. Keep scrolling to see some snapshots of my month. Catch ya later,


my birthday flowers were dying so I decided to take a few photos first

a quick trip to heb- but take the camera too!

experimenting with white balance on my camera

precutting bagels for work

missed a friend's bridal shower so I decided to get her favorite
coffee waves order (a hug in a mug) and bring it to her in a
hug in a mug cup! (it was a hit)

being the photographer for the easter service has it perks.. like snagging your husband to get a cute photo!

being silly at on the job!

two of my first graphic designs!

two of my first graphic designs!


  1. Becca, I love your graphic designs ! You are a gifted photographic artist sweet girl.💖Beth


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