a few of my current favorites // april 2022

 I got inspired by this blog post because I've watched several videos over the years where influencers share their favorite makeup products at the moment or favorite cleaning products, etc. I feel like my favorite things change every few weeks or months and I thought it might be fun to share with the world. Or you may find this lame. Read further or don't, I don't have a preference. I really am doing this for me at this point. Okay, onto my favorite things right now!

+ Architectural Digest Videos

AD does these videos where they're invited into celebrities' homes and the celebs give house tours. I didn't know I needed it in my life until I watched two or three in a row one day and realized I was hooked. Normally I can tell I'm really hooked to something on YouTube when I subscribe to their channel: I subscribed to Architectural Digest. These videos are so fun to watch because you get an inside look into celebrity's homes and lives and it feels like you see a whole new version of that person. Plus, most celebrity homes are pretty insanely decorated and remodeled because they have the money to be extravagant- it gives a different perspective and sometimes I get ideas for maybe if I ever renovated my own home one day.

+ White Mocha Lattes

Working in a coffee shop gives you freedom to try a bunch of crazy flavor and milk combinations for drinks. I've tried quite a few different flavors, but I've really been enjoying a classic white mocha. I'll take it hot or iced- it's delicious either way. It's like chocolate (my favorite) but a lil more bougie cuz its white chocolate.

white mochas with caramel drizzle?! yes please

+ Hair Routine Videos

I feel like I'm really learning so much about hair recently. I've recently come to the realization that my hair is more wavy/curly than I originally thought, so I'm constantly watching videos on how to take care of it and style it. But not just my own hair, but hair in general. I've always loved watching hair tutorials, but videos of people washing and taking care of their hair with creams and gels and using the right products to take care of their hair: it makes my heart happy recently.

+ French Tip Manicures

Growing up, I originally thought french tip manicures were so fancy and grown up. Then as I got older, I thought how boring they were. Like, there's a thousand color options at the store and you choose white- then you don't even paint your entire nail bed?? I didn't understand. But french tip has been making a comeback, but as colored tips and I'm actually a tad obsessed. For my birthday last month, I got a manicure and a few of my nails had different colored french tips and they were my favorite. Now my entire 'nail' pinterest board is full of just french tips in different colors and different colors on every nail. I think they're so fun and flirty and not at all grown up. Which makes me love it even more. It's like I'm an adult but I don't like acting like it when I get dressed or paint my nails?? I'm still 12 on the inside.

currently my inspo via pinterest

+ Having Friends Over for Dinner

It's kind hard coordinating schedules for four different people, but when it works out and some of our couple friends come over for dinner and games or just hanging out and talking... it's so much fun. This is what I dreamed of when we got our apartment: to have people over to our home and host and cook and be the adults. Like I said, it's sometimes hard to coordinate schedules so it doesn't happen often, but it's worth every minute when it does happen.

+ Nostalgic Shows

I just finished watching Gilmore Girls for the first time and I was a wreck. How did it take me til I was 24 to finally jump on the GG train?? You know when you're scrolling Netflix and it always has the section of "because you watched..." and it gives suggestions?? Well alot of my Netflix suggestions are old tv shows from the 90s and shows I never watched growing up but I've been wanting to. Now I have so many options that I don't know where to start. Elijah and I are currently watching Seinfield together and it's so silly. But also now the movies are being suggested and I just wanna secretly quit my job and watch every movie that came out between 1990-2008?? It's like they're so cheesy but they're so good at the same time. Full House, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, Seinfield, Friends, and so many more. Excuse me while I go time travel back to the 90s.

+ Creating Aesthetic YouTube Videos

I've always loved watching YouTube videos where people play the soft music and its just a montage through their day or their morning/night routine. They make dinner and you hear them chopping vegetables and sizzling bacon on the frying pan and it's just super enjoyable and relaxing to watch. Well, I've recently been enjoying making videos of my own, especially that kind. They're a lot harder to create than you'd think, but they are satisfying to watch once they're complete. And I already have visions of videos I wanna make in the future when we go on road trips or the weather changes, etc. But look me up on YouTube to see the last few videos I've made. Then be on the lookout for more real soon!

my latest youtube video! go find it

+ Wearing Makeup for Me

I think in the last four or five years, I've gone through so many different perspectives on makeup. First, I liked it cuz it made me feel grown up. Then I accepted my own natural beauty and would rarely wear it (also covid gave me no excuse to get dressed up to go anywhere; also masks) then I'd only wear it when I had a major acne breakout and I needed to cover them up. But now I've found a few makeup products that work really well and I really like, so now I just wear makeup for me. It's actually so fun. Trying new eyeshadow colors and different lipstick. I understand what women say when they use makeup as a creative outlet and a way to have fun and express themselves. I had no idea what I was missing out on until now!

+ Rare Beauty Mascara

Okay, I've told myself for yeeeeeaaaarrrrsss that I'd only ever buy drugstore makeup because I knew that once I tried something higher end, I'd become hooked and I'd never settle for anything else. I knew myself too well, and yet I still let myself down. One of my favorite celebs is Selena Gomez and she has her own makeup line called Rare Beauty. It's alot of basic products but it's clean ingredients and really well made, also I trust anything Selena creates/does. I went back and forth for a while about trying something from her line, but I didn't know what I'd wanna test first. Also, I knew the prices would be higher than anything I've ever purchased so it'd only be one thing. But after having quite a few different mascaras fail me over the last 2 years, I decided to try hers. Wow, it's so good. I don't know if it's just her brand of mascara or the fact that this was my first time wearing mascara that wasn't $8, but I'm actually hooked. It applies so well and I really only need one coat and my eyelashes look so full and luscious. Plus, I feel like it clumps so much less than any mascara I've tried before and I love that! And to top it all off, it dries fairly quickly so I don't have to worry about applying foundation a second time to cover up the bit that falls on my bottom lashes. It's easily one of my favorite products in my makeup routine. And the mascara container is just so cute too! Its a win-win-win-win.

+ Yellow + Baby Pink

My favorite colors have changed so much since becoming an adult. First it was pink, then it was white, then it was pink again, then it was maroon, then it was yellow, then it was a light blue, and now it's yellow and baby pink. Who knows how long my color palette will last? But right now, I like these colors most. Basically, pastels hold a special place in my heart, and I just change which ones I like most every so often. But I think these two have been the longest holding contenders!

+ Winnie the Pooh

I think ever since I watched the live action Christopher Robin movie, Winnie the Pooh just melted my heart like I was 6 all over again. I don't remember loving Winnie the Pooh so much when I was younger? Maybe I did and I just don't remember, but it was always a cute character to me. I did have a Tigger obsession slightly (my tigger stuffy was my favorite). I loved the stories and little movies, but I always had another Disney character that I loved more. And something about since becoming an adult, that makes my heart fond over Winnie the Pooh so much. He's just this loveable, silly ole bear. I now have a Pooh Bear tshirt and my phone's lockscreen is Pooh with a book on his head. Plus, Piglet and Pooh's relationship is so precious. I don't know where the obsession came from, but I hope it never goes away. I love Pooh. and Eeyore and Piglet and Tigger and Rabbit and everyone else, of course.

my current homescreen on my phone! it's just too cute

+ Graphic Design

This is a very very new favorite thing of mine. I started these little graphics because I thought it would be fun to submit designs for our new tshirts at work. But the more I played around with it, the more fun it was for me. I think I made like 10 designs in 24 hours... it was a little insane. I think that graphic tees are sooo cute, but alot of them are very lame and bland! There's so much creativity in the world, why are all our graphic tees looking the same?? I'm very particular about my t-shirts, so I thought it could be fun to create some of my own. However, I have no idea the cost of something like that, or if anyone would wear them. So, I thought, why not just make graphics for fun?? And if they become t-shirts one day, that's cool! If they don't, that's cool too. I have found it to be pretty therapeutic some days. I can scroll instagram or pinterest for inspo, and then just create something using a similar font or a similar photo. I really love the bubbly letters like 70s inspired with the letters being very wiggly. It's so cute and chill.

Thanks for checking out my current favs. Maybe I'll do this again in a few months once I have a new set of favorites?? Or maybe we can see how many of my favorites are the same in a few months??

Always, Becca
