Turning 24, Cutting my Hair, Trying on my Wedding Dress! // March Life Update
March is here! Let's go!
The weather the first week was pretty sunny and warm, getting everyone excited for spring. However, come the second week, a cold front blew in right away. The amount of people I encountered while at work who complained about the cold weather haha! I was loving it, especially since it arrived the day before my birthday. I think it was God's birthday gift to me this year because the cold weather is my favorite kind!
My birthday itself was a pretty chill one. I turned 24! But I also went to work. I wrote a note on the tip jar that all tips were towards my birthday, so I had several customers wish me well. It was sweet. One of my favorite encounters with customers that day was a small family with a very energetic 5-year-old. When they found out it was my birthday, they (especially the little boy) screamed out happy birthday in the shop. They were so wholesome and sweet about it; they even came into the store the next day to ask how my birthday ended up. I had a lot of sweet messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday too. I came home from work and opened the windows to just enjoy the weather a bit before Elijah came home from work. We went to dinner with his parents at my favorite restaurant and when the waitress found out that we were there in celebration of my birthday, she offered me a free dessert that I gladly accepted. However, I took it to go and ate it at home because dinner was a tad too filling at the moment. When we got home, Elijah and I popped on a movie and ate our lil dessert and it was the perfect chill ending to a chill day. The entire day didn't really feel like my birthday- just like a normal day. I guess that's what happens when you get older, right?
Our friends/neighbors Rachel and Cole came back from their honeymoon, and I had the honors of picking them up from the airport! We had to get Chick-fil-A cuz they hadn't had it since they left for their honeymoon, so it was only the right thing to do. I also got them a tiny little care package so they had some food for the next day cuz they flew in so late! It was a fun little adventure.
Because of my birthday being at a weird day of the week, we postponed most of the celebrating until the weekend! Sunday afternoon after my birthday rolled around, and we had a handful of friends come over for dinner and games and fellowship. It was chill, but so much fun. One of our sweet friends, Andres + Melody, brought their son (under a year old) and he got a little fussy over something and threw a piece of his hamburger and it landed on my face. It was such a funny moment that I hope to never forget. I don't think Enzo really likes me (hence the hamburger throwing to the face), but I like him so it was easily forgiven. Easily the best part of the entire evening. We played a game called Organ Attack (check it out, it's super fun and silly) and I was the first person to lose, which I thought only fitting considering it was my birthday party. But I got to see some sweet friends and just hang out and talk about life and traveling and what this 24th year of life is gonna look like for me! I don't know what the Lord has in store for me and my little life, but I do know that I'm very excited and looking forward to it.
I got some "cosmetic" things done this month! I got my first acrylic manicure before, which was super fancy and way over my comfort zone but it was so so fun. My nails are normally super short and chewed on and having them being 3x longer than normal and different colors was quite an adjustment. It was all so fun. I've never felt so extra.
Another "cosmetic" adjustment is that I'm on a curly hair journey of self-discovery! My mom has super curly hair and I thought I just have some faint waves, but after watching lots of Youtube and Instagram videos, I've learned that my hair is more wavy/curly than I realized! Lots of girls in these videos didn't realize that they had curly hair until they used certain products or styled it a certain way, and I noticed that after washing my hair one day too - I have some curls after washing it, so I'm trying to learn how to bring them out naturally! I've never really used products on my hair outside of hairspray, so this is all a new learning process for me! I'm doing lots of research daily and trying new things with it constantly. Also finding a way to style these new-found curls in an efficient and easy way is a must! Getting up super early for work almost every day means that I shower at night and do *minimal* hair and makeup prep in the mornings, so finding any way to make curls last and work with them so I don't spend 30 minutes on my hair every day - it's a challenge but we're learning! It's been super fun.
Also, with learning about my "curls", I decided to get a haircut! I trimmed 4 inches off. I was planning on growing out my hair this year, but I noticed that when trying to embrace the curls, my long hair was very dead and heavy on my head. So I decided on a chop to start fresh and get some bounce in those curls! It's working pretty well so far, when I style it correctly. Sometimes I sleep pretty heavy though, and my curls kinda die in my sleep. But like I said, it's a work in progress.
One of our friends also has her birthday in March and invited us to her birthday party, which was pretty fun! The theme was disco, mixed with "that one outfit you never get to wear". Alot of people came in their wedding formal attire (my friend Rachel actually came in her wedding dress cuz it was only last month), and others came in prom attire, etc. It was super fun and cool to see how everyone was dressed. I really wanted to wear my wedding dress, but I hadn't tried it on since wearing it two years ago so I didn't know how that would go. It was a fun little experiment actually, but it didn't fit. Well, I couldn't zip it all the way, which was unfortunate. I almost just went for it, but I also couldn't breathe very much, so eating would've been not possible so I said no to the wedding gown haha. I just went with the bridesmaid dress I wore for Rachel's wedding. Much more comfortable and I knew it would fit better! I just had to not trip over my dress. Eljah went dressed as a pickle, which was a Halloween costume he wore back in high school for a costume contest at work and he lost the contest. But at this party, *everyone* was very enthusiastic and fawning over his attire. He was the hit of the night. We were just going to stick around for an hour or two because we were both tired, but we were having such a good time that we couldn't leave. We danced (well, I danced and Elijah observed happily), we ate cake, we gave toasts, we took lots of pictures, all the guests shared the story of their outfits, and just had a grand ole time. We went home the earliest, but we were still hungry after the party so we went home and immediately changed into sweats/pjs, went out for pizza, and ended the night with pizza, drinks, and some Seinfeld. It turned out to be a pretty fun night, going out and staying in afterwards.
Last month, I mentioned that Elijah's on a new work schedule because he's being trained towards being a closing supervisor. Well, that's basically in full swing as of this month, which has been good. It's been hard on him because it's a big adjustment from not just working with the food, but he's also doing alot of administrative things to learn how to close up a store. He's not at all used to the type of administrative work that comes with this new role, but he's handling it so well all things considered! He's out of the training phase and doing it more on his own now. Please be in constant prayer for him as he gets into this more and becomes more confident in this position. Also, please pray for me because my schedule is often the complete opposite of Elijah's during the week- meaning that we don't see each other for days at a time. I get home about 20 minutes after Elijah leaves for work, and I'm already asleep by the time he comes home. It's been a hard adjustment, but it's just made our times together so much sweeter. This time apart has definitely given me, personally, time to learn to love time by myself. I'm spending basically all afternoon/evening alone so I'm learning to get creative! I've done many different things on different days: target run (obviously), editing photos/video at a coffee shop, nature photoshoot, chill by the pool, movie night, dinner night with friends, shoe shopping, and dinner/a show by myself! As you can see, I've tried to keep myself busy.
With keeping myself busy as I spend so many hours in the day by myself right now, I'm kinda learning the ways of Youtube videos! I've watched so many and I've attempted a few this month, which is actually pretty fun. I think I might start making aesthetic tik toks too? Who knows where the video-making will take me, but I do know that I really enjoy it right now. It's so much fun for me.
And just like that, March is over! Keep scrolling for photos of the month and as always, tune in next month for April's update!
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Watching the new Batman movie in theaters! |
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Birthday manicure |
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this is 24! |
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Games at my bday party (the only photo I took all day) |
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Craft + movie night with my friend Sam! |
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Chopped 4+ inches! Feels much healthier |
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First time trying on my wedding dress in 2 years! |
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Birthday party celebrating Nicole! (peep in the back) |
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Such a fun party! We liked getting dressed up |
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Fun with friends at Nicole's party |
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Since we don't see each other when he gets home...I leave gifts! |
Love the shorter hair. It really looks good. I'm glad Elijah is doing well at work. I'll be praying for him.