Cold Weather, Bridesmaiding, 2nd Anniversary! // January Month Update

 I got about a week and a half into February before I realized I never wrote one of these updates for January sooo it's a little late but here nonetheless! Read along to hear about my first month of 2022!

     I can't believe 2022 is already here! I feel like it was just the other day that it was January of 2021. But we rang in the new year in our own apartment, and I loved it so much. We slept in on New Year's Day, then had leftovers and sparkling cider for lunch. It was the perfect relaxing day.

     The weather this month has been pretty chilly! Because most of December's weather was so warm, I forgot what winter weather actually felt like. And because of our moving, I got rid of so many things I don't use or wear, so my closet was pretty bare and mostly t-shirts cuz that's all I wear to work. All this to say, I need to buy more jackets haha! We had a few pretty chilly nights that included an email from our landlord saying to let your sinks drip to prevent freezing the pipes. So many little things like this are just new parts of adulthood that you learn along the way.

     A super exciting addition to the month was being asked to be a bridesmaid! My friend and co-worker Rachel is getting married next month, and she asked me to join in on the bridal festivities and be a bridesmaid. Super exciting!! We went to try out bridesmaid dresses and that was all so fun. The last time I was a bridesmaid, I was 10 and technically I was a junior bridesmaid. I wasn't old enough to make the decisions but it's exciting to be an adult now and celebrate all these things as an adult. We have a big group text with all the bridesmaids planning a big bachelorette party and talking about makeup and gowns and getting ready for the wedding day. It's all so exciting. Elijah and I are so happy for Rachel and Cole!

     Coffee shop work is still going strong! The days are slower because it's off season, but spring break is just around the corner, and with that brings many more customers and days will go so much quicker. We're doing all the deep cleaning at all the shops, which also helps pass the time.

     I decided that this year I'm going to start being more intentional with my photography. So once a month (at least), I'll be making more photos and doing more photoshoots. I wanna expand on my creativity and I feel like this is a great way to do it. Also, I feel like it's been a while since I really took up my camera to use it just solely for creativity because life happens, but I'm making a point to do it more and be more active with my camera- stills or video. I might even start making lil videos just for the fun of it. 

     The last day of the month was our anniversary! We celebrated two years of marriage. It feels like just yesterday we were having our honeymoon weekend. But alas, it's been two years. The anniversary was actually pretty boring cuz it was a Monday and both Elijah and I had opposite schedules. We saw each other at 6:00am and then again at 9:00pm. We got to talk about our days and that was our anniversary celebration. It wasn't super exciting haha but we decided to celebrate the following weekend which is, the first weekend of February so you'll hear about that in next month's update!

     A lovely January and a lovely start to the next year. 

Creative photography with glass

self timers! I love em

Any moment we hang out is my favorite. Even if he's shaving.


  1. Hope I'll get to enjoy some of those photos when they come out. I'm sure you will be a beautiful bridesmaid. Don't upstage the bride!


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