Photo Challenge, COVID, Debt Free! // September Life Update

 I haven't made one of these monthly updates in quite a while. I was going to wait until the beginning of 2022 to start these monthly updates again, but I figured there's no better time than the present! Plus a handful of interesting things happened this month and I'd like it documented! Keep reading to hear more.

     August ended and September started with a bang when Elijah and I were tested positive for covid. Not the best way to start a new month but it was better than we expected! Our symptoms were pretty mild - a lot like a cold. I started with a fever and sluggish-ness, and when the fever disappeared, the body aches and tiredness lingered for about 10 days. Elijah had a fever for maybe a day? But he was just tired and achy for 10 days as well, he just got sick 3 days after me so his sickness lingered. It felt like you just had the biggest workout of your life or the longest day of work, where you just wanna lay in bed and not do a thing. We stayed in bed and watched tv and movies and ate about every vitamin you could imagine. I drank so much water that water started to taste disgusting, so we started drinking gatorade instead. Lots of frozen meals and ordering pizza while we were sick, but it wasn't too bad eating 3 meals in bed for a few days. Elijah lost his taste and we both lost our sense of smell for a few days, but we eventually got it back! It was quite a weird sensation. The worst part of attracting the virus was being off work for two weeks, but Elijah and I were both so blessed to have bosses that were so sweet and chill with us being unavailable for so long. We never felt pressured to return to work, and we really got the rest and time to recover that we needed. I'm very happy to report that we recovered fine and all is back to normal!

     I started a 100 days of summer photo challenge at the beginning of June, and I finally reached day 100 on September 13! I would've finished earlier in the month, but when you get covid and it puts you in hibernation for two weeks, it does change things. I'm bad at being consistent with photo challenges but I love them because it challenges me to be more creative and dip out of my comfort zone a little bit! To see things with a different perspective, and now that my 100 days of summer challenge is over, it's time to start another! Tune in next month to find out what that photo challenge is.

     Another super exciting part of this month is that we paid off Elijah's car!! We are officially debt-free right now and it is so liberating! I didn't realize how liberating it was until the car was paid in full. I'm so proud of us for taking care of that debt and in great timing too because the holidays are coming up! Now that money that was going towards car payments, can be used towards savings for other things and also gifts. Probably other things too, but who knows what that is yet. We'll soon see!

     The other cool thing that we did this month is we bought plane tickets and hotel rooms for our next vacation! One of my favorite things that Elijah and I have been able to do together is travel. I have loved seeing the world with my husband and this next trip is to Maine! It won't be until next year, but better to buy tickets and save up now than get them at the last second! Photos will definitely be shared when that trip happens, but we have a couple months before that happens. But I'm very excited!

     Tune in next month to see what October has to offer! I'm sure I'll post more topical blogs between these life updates, so stay tuned for some of those too! I have some great topics to write about soon. Much love,


Accidentally artistic

Covid positive for both of us!

Breakfast date with Elijah!

Hanging out with work friends :)

Improving on my latte art!


  1. Glad you're doing better. Congrats on paying off the car.


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