Tee Ball, Crowder, and Carving Watermelon?!? // OCTOBER LIFE UPDATE

     October came and went in approximately 5 minutes! (or so it feels like) A lot of fun was had this month, with music opportunities, creative opportunities, and learning opportunities! Keep reading to learn all about what happened in my life during the month of October.
     Michael started tee ball this fall and had his first few practices and games at the beginning of this month. It is SO cute to see all the little 4 & 5 year olds in their little uniforms, trying to figure out where to run after they hit the ball off the tee. I'm sure a lot of the moms are frustrated by now because the little ones aren't running where they're supposed to and don't know what they're doing, but as a big sister with no responsibility over these kids, I find it super cute.
     The first weekend of October, I went up to San Antonio after church with Elijah and his parents to go see John Crist during his comedy tour. We had so much fun and a lot of laughs over everything that John Crist (and the other comedians) said. There is a reason those guys are in the comedy business and doing a good job at it. We all had a good laugh and lots of memories made that evening.
     I thoroughly am enjoying my class at the School of Christian Studies. Those who don't know... I'm taking Spiritual Formation (a class about spiritual disciplines) and I'm learning so much from it! It's not a class I ever thought I needed to take but I'm so glad that I'm taking it because I'm really learning so much and growing so much from this opportunity.
     I had a few really cool music opportunities this month. First: KBNJ helped host the Big Church Night Out Tour with Crowder and Jordan Feliz in Corpus Christi. I'm always a fan of concerts, and this one was no different. A big bonus to working at a radio station and having connections at concerts, was that my brothers and father and myself got to meet David Crowder before the concert. We sat behind the American Bank Center in the parking lot by the bay, in Texas flag lawn chairs, eating nachos and talking about the weather and music with Crowder. It was such a memory making experience. That's really not something you get the opportunity to do every day, and I'm honored that I got to be a part of it.
     Another cool music experience was meeting the Afters! They had a concert in McAllen TX, so they made a pit stop at the radio station the day before to eat Whataburger and talk new music with us. We had so much fun getting to know them and enjoy good food with those guys. It's so cool when artists, especially bigger artists, are interested in your life as much as you're interested in theirs. Josh, their frontline singer, was so intrigued with what I enjoyed doing and my experience working at KBNJ and things about my life, which was so cool. I was just honored that I got to talk to him, and I was perfectly fine with him telling me about his life and only hearing him talk (with my mouth jaw dropped cuz I'm a fan), but the fact that he wanted to hear me talk and was really interested in things that I had to say... I was so honored. It was also kinda cool cuz Josh had gone to see John Crist on tour like I had, and we were the only two of the entire group that had seen the comedian, so we had a language of jokes and stories that nobody else understood so it was a special bond between the two of us.
     Halfway through the month, I was noticing more car issues than normal... not so much on the roof leaking with rain (thank the Lord that wasn't a big issue this month, but it's definitely something that needs to be watched), but I noticed that the transmission was acting up so I took it to a few different car shops to get it looked at. I found out that the transmission was really damaged and it needed to be repaired quickly. I had a hard time with this because I love my car so much, but because it's a foreign car that's older, it is very expensive to fix. I went back and forth many times on whether or not I should fix it or if I should say goodbye to good ole Green Bean VW (unofficial name) and get a new car. I finally decided to fix it, and after a week and a half, we were back in business. Shout out to all the wonderful family and friends that helped me out with rides in that week and a half. Good news: I didn't completely break the bank and my car is currently running super smoothly. Keep praying that we don't have any major storms in the near future, otherwise I'll have to work on operation: new convertible roof. But as of now, all car issues are nonexistent. Thank you Jesus!
     I experienced two classic movies for the first time during October: Halloween and Sandlot. I had never watched either one of these movies and so thanks to Elijah and my good friend Alyssa, I've seen them both. I was a little more hyped to watch Sandlot than I was to watch Halloween. I did watch the new 2018 edition of Halloween instead of the original 1978 version. I even tried to get myself out of watching the Halloween movie multiple times, but failed. I'm happy to report that I was only scared for 97% of the movie instead of a full 100%, and slept soundly that night.
     Speaking of Halloween, a lot of fun things happened to get into the holiday spirit. My Sunday school class had a murder mystery party, complete with costumes and pink brain cupcakes, and that was a bunch of fun! I played the part of a chef, and I was never the killer (though I was suspected to be multiple times and I'm offended that people would think that of me). Another fun experience I had was pumpkin carving! and watermelon carving. A week or so before Halloween, Elijah and I carved little pumpkins and it was so much fun. The day of Halloween however, we did not plan ahead so when we went pumpkin shopping that afternoon, there were no normal pumpkins to carve. So being the goofs that we are, we bought watermelon instead. I almost enjoyed that experience more than carving pumpkins because it was just silly and messy and we couldn't help but laugh at each other (and regret our decision the whole time).
     Michael and I had some good bonding time during the week of Halloween. I wasn't super impressed with the crafts that he was supposed to do in school (I'm his art teacher), so I decided to go to my trusty friend Pinterest and we did some cool finger painting and spider making for crafts that week. He was so cute in a huge paint shirt, getting his fingers painted black and orange to decorate his little bats and spiders. He insisted that we do this all the time now, and I can't help but agree with him.
     A really cool way to end the month was get a sweet phone call from my grandparents to tell me about some super cool traveling news happening early next year. I can't wait to tell y'all about that cool news! (subscribe to this blog so you can be one of the first to hear about it when I make the news public!)

     If you've read this far, I applaud you. As a reward, keep scrolling a bit longer for some super cool pics on some of the things that happened this month. And of course, stay tuned for next month to hear all about November!


John Crist concert! (didn't get a pic with john but here's one with his opening act, Dustin Nickerson)

hanging out with Crowder

surprisingly enough, we didn't get pics at the meet n greet with Crowder. so cardboard cutouts worked instead.

matchy matchy :)

carving baby pumpkins!

art with Michael!

carving watermelon!
