I say it every month, but September was another jam-packed month full of work, fun, and memories! Birthdays to celebrate, working overtime, and learning new things! Plus lots of other things, so keep reading to learn all about what happened in my life during the month of September. :)
The first few days of September were spent celebrating little ones and their birthdays! Both homeschool friends' kids and church friends' kids had birthday parties with included good food and lots of people, so that was a fun time. (Happy birthday, Luke, Ella, and Conner!)
The second weekend of September brought lots of fun dates! A family date + Elijah on Friday to eat homemade pizzas and watch Shrek 2 (a classic); a date on Saturday with Elijah + his family to a cultural festival in downtown Corpus to watch dances from different countries and sweat like crazy; and a date on Monday with Michael to McDonald's to play on the playground and eat a Happy Meal while the rest of the family had evening activities.
September brought our bi-annual fundraiser at the radio station, called Sharathon. It was a lot of working overtime and talking more than I ever have before (on the radio, that is). Our goal was to raise $93,000 over the course of those three days. While we didn't reach our goal by the time those three days were over, we were about 75% there, which was a big blessing because the fundraiser went much slower than we expected. Another bonus was seeing that by the end of September, we actually made our goal! So thank you to everyone who prayed for us during that time and volunteered to help out and also all who gave money to help us stay on the radio for the next six months. We can't wait to ask for your money again in March. ;)
After a long week of Sharathon and working overtime, my family took a weekend out of Corpus and went up to Houston to see Jonathan for two reasons. Reason #1: to celebrate his 23rd birthday, and reason #2: to go up for Family Weekend that his college, Houston Baptist University has every fall! It was the family's second time to go up for Family Weekend with Jonathan (his second fall semester with HBU), but it was my first time experiencing this because I was in Colorado last fall. It was a lot of fun! We had a little birthday party for Jonathan with his college friends, which was fun to just see him interact with his crowd. I experienced my very first college tailgate and football game. It was a lot warmer than I expected it to be (humidity is a killer), but it was a fun experience! Benjamin was also a great pal and explained the concept of football to me in a way that I was finally able to understand (after many failed attempts from others). I must say, watching football is so much more enjoyable when you actually understand what is going on. I could keep up with scores and fouls and what player was doing what job. I was so excited, and I'm very hyped to watch more football games in my future!
Another great thing that happened while we were in Houston, was visited IKEA. I had never been to IKEA before and it was a blast! Plus, I had heard stories of the hilarious names that furniture pieces were named, so that was fun to make jokes and puns (one of my favorite things). We spent many hours in that store as a family, separating many times and regrouping and separating again. We also ate at the café that was pretty good. It was a fun family bonding experience and we all agreed that we should return another time.
The following weekend, my family went out of town again to San Antonio, TX. We went to San Antonio for the day to experience Fright Fest at Six Flags. We rode many rides during the day and walked through many haunted houses during the evening (well, the big kids and Dad did. Michael and Mom stayed in the kids section). We also went to Serbin, TX. You're probably wondering what in the world is in Serbin and I think that's a valid question. If you don't know, my family is half German and every year in Serbin, there is a German festival. It's actually a Wendish festival, which is a German/Slavic subgroup. There was fun music, lots of German food, and some fun cultural experiences, such as hand-forging nails. We also celebrated my grandmother's birthday while we were there because it wasn't just my immediate family that went to that festival. Lots of my aunts and uncles and cousins showed up, so it was a fun little family reunion! We also attended a German church service and all of the singing was done in German! That was cool to (attempt to) sing alongside.
We also had a full week of babysitting! One of my cousins, Nova, spent the week with us while her family was attempting to move into their new home and keeping her little sister in the hospital. It was so much fun having a little girl in the house for the week. I loved playing dolls and dressing her up in bows every day. We learned many new things with having a two year old in the house again. :)
We had lots of rain throughout the month of September, which was a new thing for Corpus! It also brought many mosquitos, but it was so nice to have overcast days and cooler weather for a few weeks. It did bring some issues with my little VW bug. Because I have an old car with a convertible top, the hard rain often leaked through the top and sometimes caused a puddle in the backseat. I've also had some other issues with the car as time has gone on, but a leaky roof has been the worst of it all. I have had a love/hate relationship with the rain all month because I love overcast days but I hated driving around with water in the floorboard of my car. It looks like I will have to replace the top. Please be in prayer for me and my car during this rainy season. Finding puddles in my car every other morning has been a frustration, so pray for peace for me. Also, pray that everything that incorporates replacing the roof and paying for it will be done well and with ease and speed. I appreciate your prayers. :)
If you've read this far, you're a trooper and a pal haha. Of course, keep scrolling for some cool photos of many memories made throughout the month. And I'll see you again at the end of October/beginning of November for another monthly update!
Stay cool.
Family Weekend! We had fun at the photo booth. |
HBU Husky! |
My lil sushi date (mom and dad not pictured) |
Culture Fest with Elijah! (his fam not pictured) |
Six Flags fright fest with Bugs! |
Six Flags Fright Fest! |
We had fun in the clown area! |
Wendish church service! |
Cousins :) |
More cousins :) (good photobomb Addy!) |
many, many hours spent riding this train. |
Nova and Michael, buddies forever! (or just the week) |
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