I say this every month, but August really was jam packed! I visited another state, another country, celebrated a few milestones, and started school! Plus a lot of regular activities at work, at home, and some new things! Keep reading to hear all about what happened in August in my household!
I started off the month being in Florida! A good Summit Semester friend of mine, sweet Anna, invited me (or I invited myself.. I can't really remember) to visit her and her family in Florida and I jumped on that train so fast! We faced rain, humidity, and heat all over the course of four days. We had so much fun. Our visit included lots of Taylor Swift car karaoke, movie nights (at the theater and at home), getting my hair chopped, Chipotle (no time with Anna would be complete without it!), the Naval Aviation Museum (we only went to get out of the rain and talk...we're not museum nerds), lots of laughter and lots of good talks. We visited the beach for approximately 10 minutes but it was too hot and busy, so we went to an arcade instead (so much better!). It wasn't how I expected the trip to go because someone (me) didn't check the weather before I left and didn't know there would be a 90% of rain all week. But it was so needed and so much fun! I'm already looking forward to go back.
I came home and made some changes in my regular routine. I started cleaning more (kinda) and started making dinner on Mondays. I'm pretty consistent so far and it's been so much fun! I get to choose what we eat, I learn how to make new foods and recipes, and another bonus is I don't have to wash the dishes after. It's a win all around.
I was only home for a week from Florida before Benjamin joined me on the airplane this time to visit Bolivia!! My church hosted a mission trip to Bolivia through Compassion International and my little brother went with me and about 20 others. We had a blast! We got to spend so much time with little kids and I got to spend a lot of time with my sponsored child, and I came home with a different outlook on life and with a desire to learn Spanish! I've been using an app and I'm slowly improving my Spanish so that I can return next year and hopefully talk to the people there without needing a translator (as much). It was such a great experience, like always, and I'm already looking forward to going back to Bolivia next year.
My baby brother Michael turned 5 so celebrated his life all weekend long with presents and big brother Jonathan coming home from college, and a birthday party at a park with friends. It's so crazy to think that he joined our family only five years ago, because it feels like he's been around forever and it's hard to think of life without that little ball of happiness. He's also big enough for a booster seat now so we got one to put in Becca's conductible (convertible) and taking him with me on car rides will probably be much more frequent now!
School started back up, which is crazy to think that it's time for that again! Benjamin is starting 11th grade (how did he grow up?!); Jonathan's technically in his senior year of college and Michael started kindergarten. Michael is definitely more motivated and excited to start school than the rest, and for good reason too. Everyone (minus Jonathan) is teaching him a different class and he's so thrilled. Mom is helping with science and "letters"; Benjamin is working on math; Daddy is working with social studies; and I'm working on art and music. It's been so much fun to help him learn new things and he's soaking it all up like a sponge. I'm also starting school for the first time in a while-- I'm taking a class at a local seminary in Corpus called the School of Christian Studies. I'm taking a class in Spiritual Formation so I'll be an expert on Spiritual Disciplines by December (that's a joke).
Elijah and I celebrated our 6 month anniversary of dating, so that was exciting. We got dressed up and went to TGI Fridays and ordered the same thing, down to the drink. The more time you spend with someone, the more you become like that person, right? Something like that.
The month was a good month, and I'm excited to see how September treats me! I can't believe we're getting close to the end of the year! I realized this month that I made new years resolutions and I don't even remember what half of them are! So my goal for September is to work through those and improve myself with those! Come back at the end of September to see how that went.
Have a fun look at the pictures below and I'll see you next month!
there goes 4 inches! |
visiting the naval aviation museum |
6 month anniversary! |
newsboys united tour!! |
bolivian college kids |
pablo, my little sponsored child !!!! |
we rode in trucks for an hour, in water and bumpy roads to visit a legit bolivian waterfall! |
we made it and had a blast! |
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