Incredibles 2, Homemade Pasta, Flooded Car?! // JUNE LIFE UPDATE

It's officially summer and the summer life is in full swing! Lots of fun and celebrating and relaxing during this month. I can't believe we're already halfway through the year! Time flies. Check out what's happened in my life during the month of June!

    The second weekend of June was spent celebrating my cousin graduating high school! She's practically my sister and it was so much fun celebrating her and this exciting accomplishment! We had fun at the splash park in town, stayed up late laughing and reminiscing, and playing with cousins!

     We also had a day at Six Flags, which was fun, but I rode one too many spin rides and I was sick the rest of the day. I think the rest of the family enjoyed their time more than I did.

      We celebrated my co-worker and friend JC with his Christmas themed surprise birthday party! It was fun and his girlfriend did a great job putting that all together. Happy Birthday JC!

     My family started this fun idea during the month of June to have weekly family dinner nights! Every week, we'd have one family member in charge of dinner, making it and organizing it. Our first themed night belonged to Daddy, which he made it a patriotic theme because Flag Day was two days later. All our food was red, white, or blue (blue food was hard to find... we made blue mayo for our burgers and it was odd haha). Our second themed night was Benjamin's and it was Italian themed! We had spaghetti + meatballs and watched Lady + the Tramp (you know that famous spaghetti scene!). Our third themed night was Italian themed, but with a twist! We made homemade ravioli, which was harder than expected but super fun and a great bonding family experience. Benjamin made a Texas-shaped ravioli (typical) and we happened to drop them all over the floor minutes after cooking them. It's okay, the 5 second rule applies and we just mopped the floor so we didn't get sick or anything. ;) But it's been a fun way to spend time together and make good memories! It's also a great way to make us spend time together since our summer schedules are all over the place (especially us older kids).

     Some good movies came out during the month of June, so Elijah and I had a good few theater movie dates. We embraced our childhood and watched Incredibles 2 (SO MUCH FUN), and decided to be adults and watch Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. We weren't complete adults when watching Jurassic World though, because we ate dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for dinner. He was a good sport for going along with my silly dino nugget dream.

     Corpus Christi had an unusual week of rain during the third week of June, which brought some issues for me since I have a lil VW convertible who's convertible top is a little old. It leaks through the back window when there's major rainfall, and we got enough rainfall for the whole year (or so it seems). I got in my car after a day's work and found a puddle in the backseat. After praying and researching and looking around town, we finally found a guy that's willing and able to patch up that back window in only a day, and not break the bank! Thank you, Jesus! He's going to work on it while we're gone for family vacation in the beginning of July, so I'm excited for that! Fixing the roof has been something that needed to be done ever since I bought the car two years ago, and I'm glad it's something I can cross off the list and not have to worry about anymore.

     We celebrated Benjamin's 16th birthday as well! I can't believe he's already 16. Time sure flies! We celebrated his birthday complete with a pasta bar (if you know Benjamin, you know he loves his noodles!) and board games, including Quelf. It's a really strange party game that makes you do really weird things... but it fits Benjamin's personality perfectly! I'm sure every friend that came to his party had a blast, and even if they didn't, I know Benjamin enjoyed himself and really that's all that matters. ;) Happy Birthday, little brother!

     We ended June with a bang, cuz we babysat my little cousins while their parents had an anniversary getaway trip. They have four girls under the age of 7, and it was a blast! We went to the beach and got sand in places we didn't want, and had tea parties and I embraced my dream of having little sisters. Lots of laughter too. It was a good weekend.

Next month will include lots of traveling and probably lots of pictures so stay tuned for that! Until next month!


My sweet lil 2018 graduate!!

fam time is so fun :)

Benjamin's 16... and still a pyromaniac (or just a regular maniac?)
little brother movie date to watch Incredibles 2!

babysat 4 little cousin while parents had an anniversary getaway!

our first selfie haha - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
