Mother's Day, Six Flags, New Cousin?! // MAY LIFE UPDATE

Month five has come and gone, and boy, it was a good one! So many great memories made and fun times to be had. Check out what all happened during May!
     In the first week and a half, Elijah and I made dinner twice and learned how to make new things! I learned how to make enchiladas (one of his favorites), and he helped me prepare breakfast for dinner (one of my favorites). Neither one of us are super great in the kitchen, but it's more fun together (and our families probably get a kick out of us trying to figure out where things are and how to make things work).
     I spent another weekend dogsitting a sweet dog for church friends. She kept me on my toes all weekend, and I definitely got my exercise in those three days!
     Jonathan came down to surprise Mommy for Mother's Day, which was a success. We went car shopping and he met us there in the parking lot! During Mother's Day weekend, we ate sweet treats and lots of good, homemade food (Jonathan's favorite!), we slept, saw a baseball game, and just caught up. It was a good Mother's Day weekend together.
     The third weekend in May was homeschool graduation. I hadn't attended a homeschool graduation ceremony since I graduated high school two years ago, so it was really strange to be on the other end, watching as a high school alumni, but it was also so sweet. A few of my friends were graduates, so it was fun to hear their speeches and see their baby pictures. I also got to see many old high school friends while I was there, so that was a blast. Homeschool graduations are long, but they're some of my favorite days.
     The fourth week of May was very full! It started on Monday, with Benjamin's spring band concert. Tuesday evening, my mom and Benjamin and I all catered for an 8th grade graduation ceremony for a private school through our church. We prepared dinner for roughly 90 people and had 7th graders serve it. It was alot of work and preparation (mostly for mom), but it was a memory maker! Plus, we got rice pilaf leftovers for the next two weeks, so that was a bonus. Thursday was part 1 of Benjamin's homeschool plays. He was in both high school plays that were performed, but they were put into two nights for the sake of watching performances for 5 hours on Friday night haha. So, Thursday and Friday were both days with Benjamin's homeschool plays, where he was a prince with a love for puns in one play (my personal fav), and a character in Hamlet for the other play. He did such a great job and I'm so proud of him!! He and Jonathan are natural actors. :) That Saturday, I went up to Houston with Jonathan to attend a wedding for his friend. On Sunday, the 27th, he and I both went to see our aunt in Katy, who was in the hospital from having our sweet newborn cousin, Abigayle. I went early with my grandmother to help with feeding and help my aunt and catch up, while Jonathan and my grandpa came up later. We had a good time with them while we could, then we left around lunch for San Antonio to meet up with the rest of our immediate fam for an afternoon in Six Flags! We had never seen so many cars in that parking lot haha but it was such a fun day, riding coasters and spending time with my brothers. on Monday, we went to the San Antonio zoo with my uncle and his family, which was alot of fun as well! We got to see the giraffes and black bears, and we even saw a chameleon spit out it's tongue for a fly (and sadly missed it).
     In between all that fun, I was having a blast working at the radio station with Daddy. I'm slowly learning more about the music and the equipment, and I'm starting to sound more natural when talking, which is a big improvement since starting five months ago.
     The last day of May was spent with high school friends, watching Lilo & Stitch, catching up with their lives, and asking strange "Would You Rather" questions, followed by lots of laughter. It was so good to have time with old friends and catch up. New memories were definitely made that night and hopefully we'll have plenty more to come!

     Thanks for reading through what all went on in my life during the month of May! It was a good month, and I'm excited to see what June has to offer! Check back here at the end of June for another monthly update!


car shopping for mom!

We had a root beer taste test.

sleepy 5:00am selfie to watch the Royal wedding of Harry and Meghan!

my buddy JD graduated high school!

cousin time at the San Antonio zoo :)
