Summit Visitor, Zephyr Retreat, Jury Duty // APRIL LIFE UPDATE

Looking back on my calendar for this month, it was so much busier than I remember (and I remember it being pretty busy)! Check out what all happened in April!

     It started with Easter Sunday! Which was also April Fool's Day, so that was an exciting day haha. My family actually played zero pranks on me, which was pretty surprising. We spent the day with church friends, where my mom and I played tricks with the desserts we brought to the party, and we were happily successful. ;)
     The second week in, I got a sweet visitor! She was only in town for two half days, but it was still a sweet, much-needed reunion. One of my good friends from Summit Semester (my Colorado adventure), Ashley came to see me! We went to the beach and got coffee and Mexican food. It was a good time and the reunion wasn't long enough.
     Two days after my sweet Ashley friend came to visit, the homeschool community that my family's apart of, had their Prom. My mother is currently the Event Coordinator for the group, so she was the one that made the entire dance come together. The theme was "Key to the Secret Garden" and it was so beautiful! So many floral dresses (as expected) were seen that evening. I was a chaperone (my second year to be old enough to be a chaperone for a high school dance!! That's not okay) for the evening, as well as the "unofficial" photographer. It was a fun evening of dinner, dancing, and seeing buddies.
     The following weekend, I volunteered for a weekend at Zephyr Baptist Encampment, which is only an hour drive from where I live in Corpus Christi. I volunteered as a staff member for their Mother Daughter retreat. It was a bunch of fun seeing those girls and their mothers bonding, and helping out as a staff member doing a number of things: serving dinner, cleaning cabins, setting up for a painting party, cleaning dishes, serving ice cream, harnessing girls to climb a rock wall or a rope net, and staying up super late and getting up super early to get it all taken care of. It was a long weekend, but it was very rewarding. Who knows what that volunteering could grow into!
      Only a few short days after getting back from an exhausting weekend at Zephyr, I was summoned up for jury duty! I had never been summoned before, so it was both a nervous and exciting experience for me. It wasn't at all what I expected it to be, and it was actually quite intriguing! Apparently "paneling" isn't something that most summoned jurors go through? It was my first time, so I had no idea that most people just sit in a waiting room for hours. I guess my jury duty experience wasn't one to compare to most haha. I liked the question asking though! I wasn't chosen to serve on the jury, which I surprisingly bummed about. But I'm actually looking forward to when I'll be called again!
     The last weekend in April, my family made a weekend trip to Houston and upper central Texas. We got to hang out with my older brother Jonathan in Houston, as he's a student at Houston Baptist University. We went to his BSM banquet and met some of his buddies, and my younger brothers had a brother sleepover at Jonathan's dorm, while the rest of us slept elsewhere. Sandwiched between two days of seeing Jonathan at HBU, we went up to central Texas (Gatesville and Brownwood, in particular) to visit my cousins and to tour a college campus for me, that is Howard Payne University. Before you ask, I'll give you a brief summary: I liked the college alot; but it's also five hours from home (I'm a home body so that's really hard for me) and I'm still unsure if college is the next step in my life. So please be in continuous prayer for me as I decide the next step for my career and my life.
     So many other good things came out of April that were small but significant still. My Sunday school class had a game night at my house! A good group of college-aged couples brought their A-game when we played multiple games and we all had our fair share of laughs and great fellowship.
     I also was introduced fully to the world of good memes and that's all I do on my work breaks now (sorry not sorry). My current favorites are the "what in tarnation" series, anything related to Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or Disney (the only movies I watch), and those that are Christian or homeschooling (cuz those are crazy accurate and too funny).
     Elijah and I also celebrated two months of dating! Yay! It'll probably get gross to read about, so you can skip this part. We're just super happy and learning so much about each other personally and as a couple. You would think that after knowing someone for six years, that you'd know mostly everything about that person. Welp: that's a lie. We love laughing together and playing Would You Rather, because it brings up the most random scenarios and it makes us choose something, which is good because we're so indecisive (me mostly). But we're still on cloud 9 and are doing so well. Thanks for thinking and praying for us. :)

     That pretty much wraps up the month of April. It seems like it went by in a flash, but it also took forever and a day. It was so busy but it was so good. I'm so excited to see what the month of May has in store! I can't believe we're already in May! Don't forget to check back here in about thirty days to see what happened during this upcoming month of May!


Fun at home with Michael!
Jonathan came for a visit and we got a family photo! Yay!
Ashley came from Missouri to see me for roughly 12 hours. So fun.
Benjamin's sophomore prom. :)

Being a big helper and carrying Jonathan's backpack at Houston Baptist.

Visited Howard Payne University and got a super nifty and personalized reserved parking tag.

Helping Jonathan with his final project by holding his sun reflector! (and repping HPU cuz I ran out of clean clothes)

Helping Jonathan with his final project!

Playing hide-n-seek in the HBU student parking lot cuz the weather was too nice to pass up!
