Movie Extras, Job Training, Business Manager?! // JANUARY LIFE UPDATE

Hello 2018! Just when I thought life was going to slow down and I could find a "normal" starting in 2018, life laughed in my face and threw some unexpected things my way that I'm fully embracing! Check out what's been going on in my life this January.

     The second weekend of January (aka the 12th + 13th), were spent up in San Antonio with friends and family. Saturday was spent attending my cousin's 6th birthday party (to whom I visited in the hospital when she was born--- I feel OLD), which was so much fun and was complete with 10 pound hamburgers, 100 pushups, and drawing games. The next morning (the 13th), my family (minus the 4yo and plus two of our homeschool friends from Corpus) woke up at 5:30 to dress in 1980s business attire and drive across town to be extras in a commission scene for small-budget movie that my brother is helping to produce/create (info on the film here). We spent about seven hours sitting in a courthouse listening to the same things over and over, pretending to be interested in what they're talking about. We were interested the first 10 times, but after seven hours, it got a little boring. But overall, it was a pretty fun experience! I don't think I've ever been so interested in seeing a space themed movie in my whole life until this one. Seeing the behind-the-scenes stuff and knowing that my older brother has worked on it, and my friends and myself have acted in it, I'm even more interested than just seeing Gravity. It should be released to the public sometime later in 2018, so stay tuned for that! I'm pumped, you should be too!
     During Christmas break of 2017, my dad approached me with the idea of possibly working with the business manager at the radio station that he manages (KBNJ). I wasn't opposed to it, but rather thought that this might be a good fit for me. My job works with people and organizational skills and things that I enjoy doing. It does handle money a lot, which makes this job a lot more "adult" and nerve-wracking haha. I'm excited for this journey and all the things that I can learn through this job. And while I am working with Jeanine (the business manager) now as her assistant, the main goal here is for me to eventually take over her job when she retires this upcoming June. So yes, I am working for/with her momentarily. But in about six months, I will be the new business manager for KBNJ. I think that this job was *really* offered to me as a setup so I can't move out of town and I'll stay close to home for a long time (sneaky, daddy).
     As for this new job I'm training to take over, I had official 2-day training down in McAllen, TX after only a few days on the job. It was definitely a learning experience and a very independent trip. I left my house at 7:00am and drove for three hours alone to this training, which I was only about 10 minutes late to (I got a tiny bit lost). It was a good day of training with lots of information to retain and lots of paperwork to sign (official new employee paperwork). The hardest part of the whole training was knowing that I was the only non-Spanish speaker who attended and I got quite confused anytime someone made a comment in Spanish and people were laughing and talking and I had no idea what was going on. (That happened more than you would expect.) I also got my own mobile trailer to spend the night in! It was like my own little home, and it was something I had never experienced before, which was living independently (even if it was only for one night). The next morning was supposed to be my next and last day of training for this job, but because of the bad weather rolling into my hometown, I played it safe and decided to leave early to get home before the bad weather got there. And man, I think the bad weather followed me the entire drive home, because it was super windy and raining horribly the entire time, not to mention it was also 30 degrees the entire time (filling up your car's gas tank w/ no jacket in that weather is not recommended). I followed many 18-wheelers that spit the already horrible rain even more intensely onto the windshield of my baby green vw beetle, making it super hard to see and even scarier to drive. I almost lost my ID when I was searching for it at the citizen checkpoint and put my phone on my shoulder so I could listen to music despite the loud rain (my car's radio/stereo system is temporarily broken). It was quite an eventful few hours and two days. Even if it was a work trip, going on that road trip made me excited to travel independently more in the future.
     The last weekend of January was spent celebrating my dad's birthday. It was a lot of fun, because it was full of so many surprises! We sneakily got Jonathan (my older bro) down from Houston for the weekend, which was a big surprise to Daddy. We had a lot of fun together-- just hanging out and playing games as a family. We also surprised Daddy with a new tv for the living room (a long awaited gift), so we also watched a few movies together. It was so nice to have the family all back together.. something that's getting harder to do since we're all growing up so quickly!
     The rest of January was spent working...lots of job training and transitioning into my new role as midday radio DJ for the local Christian station my dad works at (SUPER FUN JOB). I've also spent more time reading. I'm currently working through the Chronicles of Narnia series. I'm hoping to finish the series before my birthday in March! We'll see how that works out. :) I watched a movie alone in theaters for the first time, which was pretty strange. It wasn't too bad either! The worst part was not having a buddy to discuss the movie with afterwards...but it's okay, I just listened to the soundtrack on repeat for the week following. (The movie was the Greatest was pretty great!)

     Because I'm not a regular blogger, I thought that these monthly life updates would be a great opportunity to hear how my life is (for those curious), and it'll help me to be more consistent in writing blogs. So I'll catch you back here in February for another month update!

it was so fun to be a movie extra !

volunteering for Compassion International

family meal for Daddy's birthday !


  1. ❤😀❤😳❤. Waiting for our movie debut! Fun month! Glad I spent it with you HERE! Love you!


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