Long Time, No Post.

I've noticed that I'm pretty horrible at keeping up with this blog... I apologize for that haha. I seem to be very busy at times, and very unoccupied at others. I've had this blog for years now, but I don't write enough in it to make it a habit, so I tend to forget it's around. My apologizes! But I'd love to give you a little look into what I've been doing for the past several months.

   Since January, I have done many things. I finished my first year of community college, and I'm so glad about that. I've come to not be a huge fan of English professors, and fell in love with history and photography professors. Math is still my least favorite subject (always will be), but I'm glad that is over (at least for the time being).
   While being in my first photography class, I got to partake in my very first art show, which was pretty awesome. I turned in two of my best works from the class, and while I didn't win any prizes, it was still a very neat experience. I hope that when I improve more of my photography, I can submit more of my work to more shows. I don't know if I've ever felt so professional!

   In May, I was a chaperone for my little brother's history class trip to Washington DC. We had a blast and learned so many things (and walked so many miles!) I felt very mature being the stand-in adult for him.

We enjoyed our time there, and it was a memory we will cherish forever!

   Not even a week after we got home from the east coast, I packed my suitcases again and headed to Latin America for my first solo mission trip. I went with a team from my church to Bolivia and we had so much fun. We got stuck in Miami for 3 days due to bad weather, so that left us a little behind schedule, but we had a wonderful time nonetheless. The whole trip was partnered with Compassion International (https://www.compassion.com/), and we hosted Vacation Bible School for the kids down there and had park days and sports camp and visited the homes of some of the sponsored children... it was a remarkable trip. It is so hard to explain what happens when you go on a mission trip, especially one to a third world country. You experience things you never have before, and your entire concept of poverty changes drastically. It's hard to explain all that happened there in Bolivia, just because so much did happen. Not just to the kids and the people there, but I know I've been changed as well. I left a little part of my heart in Latin America, and I can't wait until I have the opportunity to return again soon!

 I've been keeping up with work at a local juice bar (The Vine Juice Company---look them up on Facebook or Instagram!) and I've been trying to enjoy every bit of summer that I can. Starting in the fall, I will be leaving my little home of South Texas and attending school in southwestern Colorado. It will only be for the fall semester, but it's an opportunity that I am very excited for. In case you're wondering what it is all about-- my schooling is in connection with Summit Ministries through a program called Summit Semester. It's easier for you to look it up and read about it yourself before I try and explain it to you. (website link here). Along with that adventure in the fall, I will be writing weekly updates (to the best of my abilities and memory) about my experience here on this blog. So make sure you're subscribed to receive email notifications every time I post here, and you'll be all set! My plan is to post every Sunday. I may get lazy and forget or I may be cramming for exams and I may not have the time to--but that is the plan as of now. And please pray for me during this experience! I've never been gone from home this long before, and this far away. Plus it's a completely different climate than I'm used to, so trying to stay warm will be an interesting adventure. And pray for my heart-- I'm hoping that this part of my life will help me realize and discover what I'm supposed to do with myself and my life, in regards to career choice and relationships and all that mumbo jumbo.

Thanks for tagging along with me as I figure out life.

Until next time,


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