Abundant Life at Sunrise.

     So often, life gets the best of us. We start with a job and hobbies and families... and while those are all good and grand, sometimes we take them for granted. We always go to our work, then come home to feed our families and maybe use the computer here and there, check Facebook or Pinterest, then go to bed. Then we wake up the next day and repeat. But have you ever just stopped going through the motions of life, and enjoyed only the present moment?

     I've been on that boat. Ha, I'm still on that boat many a day. I just go through the motions of life: job, family, sleep, repeat. But recently, I've realized that I'm leaving the only town I've ever known as home, and moving 1000 miles away (in less than 5 weeks) to an unknown city for three months, all alone (see previous blog post for details). And because I'm making such a drastic move, I'm trying to soak in every minute I have left in this hot, humid, windy city that I know and love. One ways I've done that, is to wake up and watch the sunrise on the beach. I don't know if you've ever done such a thing, but I encourage you to try it sometime.
      It's incredible waking up before the city does. It's so relaxing and peaceful. And watching that sun rise above the water in the morning---wowsers y'all. I got chills. Photos do not do it justice!! After watching the sunrise, I wanted to watch so many more. I could watch beach sunrises all day. It's kinda impossible since it only rises once in a day, but the beauty of God's creation just got to me. I mean: Y'ALL. GOD MADE THAT SUNRISE. He spoke it into being! He didn't use Pinterest for reference or copy it off a billboard and put his own twist on it. He imagined it with his own amazing creativity. How awesome is that!? Isn't God just awesome?!!?

     After watching that sunrise, I wanted to soak in every other precious moment while I'm here in Corpus. I listen and sing along to old Disney Channel + One Direction songs in my car more now than ever. I try to enjoy the walks to the gas station with my brothers and the errand running with my mom and seeing familiar faces at church every Sunday. I laugh at work with my co-workers that have become my friends (I have friends at work! How fun is that?!).
     I woke up super early twice this past weekend to go watch baby sea turtles be released into the world. Why? Because it's something wonderful that I can have the pleasure of enjoying while I'm here in a city by the ocean. And watching those little sea turtle hatchlings waddle to the great big ocean for the first time, it reminded me of me. I'm waddling into unknown territory, with many big obstacles ahead of me. Human versions of crabs and seagulls and saltwater waves.
     So for right now, I'm gonna enjoy this little time I have before the big scary world comes after me, and I'm gonna do crazy things. I'm gonna go ride roller coasters and take road trips and watch the sunrise and go shopping just 'cuz. I'm gonna enjoy this abundant life that God has given me in Texas before I leave for an adventurous life elsewhere. Let's watch more sunrises, shall we?

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." {John 10:10}

xoxo, Becca
