The End of Seventeen.

I woke up this morning with a sudden realization: this is my last day to be seventeen. This is my last day to be a legal "child". So I spent it playing dress up with my mom and spending money on myself, just like any other kid would do. ;)I've spent an entire year being seventeen. I have experienced many memorable moments in these past 365 days. I don't even have time to go through the list of everything wonderful that has happened to me this past year. But I could give a small timeline of the major highlights:

March 2015: got my learner's permit.
(later) March 2015: got my first car.

April 2015: went to junior prom. Solo. (it can be achieved and it can be done fabulously)

(early) May 2015: performed in 2 spring dramas with my homeschool group.
(later) May 2015: acted as substitute mom for my 3 brothers while my parents went on a Caribbean vacation. (You can read all about that week right here)
(end of) May 2015: finished out my junior year of high school.
June 2015: went on my first ever mission trip. (to Arlington, Texas)
(later) June 2015: went to Zephyr for youth camp.
(end of) June 2015: week-long visit with my wonderful childhood bestie. (LOVE YA, EMMY)

August 2015: summer ended (boo) and senior year of high school began (YESS)
(end) of August 2015: frustration over pre-calculus settled in... (and didn't leave for another several, several months...)
(early) September 2015: began my first real job.
(later) September 2015: cut off a significant portion of my hair (8 inches) and my mother didn't notice. (yes, I'm still holding a grudge on that one. ;) )
(even later) September 2015: played video games all night with a bunch of guys and won title for most kills. (It may not seem that important, but for being the only girl there and having about 0.1% experience, I put this as quite an accomplishment.)
(even later than that) September 2015: found a tutor to help calm me of my pre-calculus frustration. HALLELUJAH.
October 2015: attended my first homecoming football game and my last homecoming dance. *sniffle*
November 2015: photographed Spirit Fest Corpus Christi for the second year in a row.
December 2015: visited New York City with some of my favorite people to celebrate my high school graduation in the spring.

(later) December 2015: dressed up like Mrs. Claus on Christmas Day for all my little cousins. 
(even later) December 2015: FINALLY watched Star Wars VII. It was amazing.
January 2016: experienced Passion Conference for the very first time and loved it.
(later) January 2016: experienced calling 911 for the first time when an electric panel in our backyard caught fire. (It's okay, everyone was fine. We just had a power outage and it freaked out everybody haha. But we're good.)
(even later) January 2016: went to my last Disciple Now weekend as a student. Next year, I'll be old enough to be a leader! (whaaaaat)
February 2016: lived through my 17th Valentine's Day without a Valentine. (Unless you count my parents as my Valentines.... then I've lived through 17 Valentine's Days with Valentines. Yay!)
(later) February 2016: watched my childhood be complete as the spin off Netflix series Fuller House aired. I'm still giddy over that one.
March 2016: celebrated my 81st birthday with a backwards party. (81...18... get it?! Isn't it so clever?)
TOMORROW: I celebrate my 18th birthday: becoming a legal adult.

I can't wait to see what this upcoming year brings for me. I'm excited!
Here's to 2016! And turning 18! Yay!

Xoxo, Becca
