month two!! let's go!
Elijah and I had our anniversary trip to San Antonio on the first weekend of the month! It was so fun. We had In-n-Out as soon as we got into San Antonio that afternoon and after checking into our hotel, we went downtown to be tourists. We first checked out the Alamo, then we headed to the Guinness World Records Museum right across the street. We accidentally got lost/turned around twice while in downtown SA on Friday - once in the car and once while walking around. I highly recommend taking notes or photos of what streets your parking garage/lot is, otherwise, you might have the same issues we had. We had a hard time finding the Alamo once we found a parking space... but we also had a hard time finding our car once we were done downtown. A minor setback, but we found it quite amusing. We each thought we were going in the right direction, only to find out we were dead wrong. Then the other would give directions but would be wrong as well. I'm pretty sure we spent more time walking around trying to find things than we actually spent doing tourist things. We had a blast though, so no regrets! Aside from dressing warmer. Definitely should've dressed warmer.
Elijah had a metal concert on Saturday night, so I took that time to myself in our hotel with a mini spa night/manicure and lots of Animal Planet. We had soda + pizza when he got back. It was fun eating dinner at 11:30pm. Sunday was super fun - we spent it at an art museum! I don't remember the last time I visited an art museum. Of course, we had to get breakfast before the museum, so we went to a small bakery close by and it was so good! Mine was red velvet, Elijah's was cinnamon toast crunch. Plus, we got an Oreo one to share. They were so delicious that we're already planning on going back to the same bakery the next time we're in San Antonio! I got our hotel checkout time/donut shop hours/museum hours all jumbled up in my head, so we got to the museum an hour before it opened. Oops! We took that time to drive down and see the Japanese Tea Gardens! They weren't as colorful + vibrant as they normally are because we had freezing weather just weeks before. But it was still fun. The art museum was lovely. So much history + different art styles. The museum itself was beautiful historical architecture. After hours of roaming + observing + taking plenty of photos, we left and got lunch at a place claiming they had the best cheeseburger in San Antonio. I didn't necessarily think it was the best, but it was a pretty good burger. The entire trip was short and sweet but so relaxing. The trip was to celebrate two years of marriage! Crazy how time flies.
We threw a couple's dinner for Valentine's Day and had so much fun with the couples that came. I made a dinner charcuterie board and a dessert board, and both were highly enjoyed. I was happy that I didn't have alot of leftovers to put away at the end of the night. During that evening, we had a few games that challenged each couple in how much they knew their spouse. It was fun to see the couples that had been married for several years and sitting next to them were a couple that were months away from tying the knot. It was fun seeing people's different answers, but also so funny to see their significant other having to explain themselves out of the question. We had lots of laughs during that night. And a realization for me- it's so sweet to have couple friends + married friends. When Elijah and I got married, we really only knew one or two couples. But now, we know so many through church and work and it's so neat. I'm looking forward to growing all of these friendships in the months and years to come!
Elijah's started more intense training at work to grow more as a supervisor and learn all the positions that his job offers. He's learning all the things that happen in the front of the house right now, which is very far away from his comfort zone of not being seen and not talking to people. But he's already doing so well, and both his bosses and I are so proud of his hard work! They eventually want him to be a closing supervisor, which is right up his alley: evening hours (cuz he's a night owl) and whipping the teenage night crew into shape (they need it!). Please be praying for him as he transitions into this position! I know that this is right where the Lord wants him, and he is only going to flourish in this position.
Our sweet friends Rachel and Cole got married this month! We started knowing them as my co-workers, but then they became friends, and then Elijah and I moved into the same complex that Rachel lives in, so now they're neighbors! Such a crazy progression of events, but I'm not complaining one bit. Before they tied the knot, we had to celebrate Rachel with a bachelorette party, and what better way to do that than a spa day in San Antonio?! She invited all of us bridesmaids up to a fancy spa in SA, and it was so special. We got manis/pedis and spent the day in either the pool or sauna. A lot of the ladies even took naps by the pool cuz it was so cozy. We had champagne and had a refreshing day off from wedding things, work things, mom things - all the things. At dinner, we got to shower Rachel in prayer and gifts and lots of food. We got very little sleep during this trip, seeing as we got back home around 1:00am but it was such a fun time. During this trip I had quite a few interesting first foods for me, including edamame, falafel, macaroons, and squid ink pasta. I'd probably recommend a few of those more than the rest, but they were all good and I'd try them all again! When in San Antonio...
Wedding day was only a few days after! The ultimate 2's day (2/22) on a Tuesday. I took Rachel and one of the bridesmaids Olivia to pick up coffee for all the girls before we all collected together to get ready for the main event. We played music, did each other's hair, and ate snacks. Photographers showed up to get all those get ready photos with our hair half done and our makeup almost finished. It was such a fun morning. It was a group effort to get Rachel in her wedding dress- I didn't realize how much fabric was on most wedding dresses until we were zipping Rachel up in hers! But seeing her posing for photos in her dress got me all teary-eyed. She was such a gorgeous bride. Leading up to the wedding day, everyone had joked (myself included) about how much Cole would cry once he saw her, but I didn't think I would get as emotional as I did. But Cole, he was very much a train wreck. He even claimed that he would've let it all out if the photographer wasn't right there. I didn't blame him; it was a moment everyone had been anticipating for a long time: Rachel being his wife. It's such an exciting time for them and we're so happy for them. We're also really looking forward to getting to know them even more as the years go by and really doing life with them. The reception included barbeque and hot chocolate (courtesy of the coffee shop they/I work at) a bouncy house and toasts by so many friends and co-workers and family; it was so sweet. It got windy and chilly pretty quickly, so everyone was shivering before long (myself and Elijah included) but it was such a good time. It ended with a beautiful sparkler exit and the night was done!
Right after the wedding, we jumped right back into regular life, except that Elijah and I have been a tad sleep deprived since the wedding festivites so we're just yawning a bit more than usual. Life is good on our homefront! I did get to help take photos for a Sunday night church service which was super fun because I feel like I haven't done that in a hot minute. We're also just trying to stay warm because Corpus Christi's weather is being a tad chillier this month than everyone expected. I'm already seeing Facebook posts from friends saying how they're done with this cold and ready for summer to start already! But seeing as how we never really get cold weather and summer means insane workdays (it's our busy season), I'm holding onto this cold weather for as long as I possibly can. Summer and 90° days will be here much sooner than anyone realizes and we'll all be wishing for it to be winter once again. Enjoy the days while we have them!
As always, enjoy a few photos of my month and I'll see you at the end of March!
Donut shop in San Antonio! |
They were all SO GOOD |
Taking in all the art and history |
I'm gonna talk to my landlord about getting stairs like these in our apartments... |
Charcuterie board for our Valentine's party! |
Bachelorette spa day! |
Relaxing but cold! |
squid ink pasta! Spicy but yummy! |
What a lovely group of girls! |
Sparkler exit - Mr + Mrs Spurgeon! |
beautiful sunrise on my way to work! |
a snapshot of a photo I took during worship at church |
Love the picture of you on the steps... and the charcuterie tray was amazing.